GIS4Risk is a GIS solution for insurance companies that need to measure the risks of their policies. The system uses georeferencing in order to improve the process of calculating the cost of an insurance policy, using external and internal statistics.
What is GIS4Risk?
solution GIS4Risk s based on the GIS4U system. The solution will enable the Client to carry out a risk analysis of its portfolio of multi-risk insurance policies, based primarily on the territorial component.
Policy records can be filtered and cross-referenced with other topics, namely flood risk maps, crime rates or forest fire risk letters, among others.
This capacity is an asset in the risk analysis for multi-risk home insurance, both in the existing portfolio and in the evaluation of new subscriptions. The system is the basis for establishing automatic risk analysis mechanisms in the process of underwriting new policies.
Main Feartures
- Cartography visualization: access to base cartography from various sources (Google, Open Street Map, MapQuest, ArcGIS Services or even from the General Directorate of the Territory), and may also include other cartographies available on map services (WMS), such as municipal ones.
- OGC services platform: enables the search, addition and visualization of WMS services and the identification and comparison of different service layers.
- Dynamic creation of portals and thematic areas: dynamically create portals and thematic areas, which can be assigned to a specific group of users (e.g. a department) and configuration of views and personalized work environment, per user.
- Dynamic creation of themes (registration forms): whenever necessary, the user can create a new theme (registration form / table), which allows the insertion of alphanumeric attributes, with an associated geographical field.
- Filters (search forms): On the data of the various themes, the user can make searches using alphanumeric and geographic criteria, which he can record for future reuse.
- Information association: allows to associate files of any type, to any record, as well as the association of records among themselves.
- Indicators: Possibility of creating and configuring geographic indicators by the user, on themes or filters - color maps or aggregation of points(clusters).).
- Information sharing: one can export the indicators obtained on the map as an image, CSV file (only the data, in this case) or incorporated into a website (via embed html).).
Data Base
During the installation of the system, there are several databases relevant to the multi-risk insurance business that can be loaded into the system. We highlight the following:
- Tom Tom (by purchase):Police stations, Fire stations, Airports, etc.
- NASA:Topographic data (Altimetry 30M).
- SNIRH database:Ocean, Rivers, Lagoons, Dams, Flood Areas, Underground currents.
- LNEG graph of soil (upon acquisition):Data on soil composition.
Information Sharing
The indicators, once created and configured, can be exported in CSV (table with values), image file(map snapshot) or shared on third-party sites through embed HTML or perma link..
- Dynamic creation and configuration of indicators for each topic.
- Analyzes and classifies indicators, using filters and color class maps.